Gardens Trust
Reg.Charity No.1201501


Changes are afoot for the Grade II Registered Park and Garden at Caversham Park and the Grade II listed house. The site has been bought by Beechcroft Ltd who would like to develop the house as retirement homes with a new care home on the site of some adjacent ancillary buildings; a crescent of houses on part of the former car park; and houses set within the area used for the satellite dishes and a small field south of the entrance to Caversham Park off Peppard Road (see Pre-application drawing below used for the public consultation).
Beechcroft have engaged Savills to prepare a Heritage Impact Assessment to accompany the final planning application which may be submitted over the New Year. I managed to speak to them and encouraged them to make sure that they avoided any harm to the historic assets and the park as a whole and to also produce a Conservation Management Plan. We shall see what comes into Reading Borough in due course but they seemed to be keen to engage with BGT. Not surprisingly there is much local interest in the future of both the house and the park.
Do send in any comments to me that you might have on this plan to
Bettina Kirkham, Chair.
23rd November 2021