Gardens Trust
Reg.Charity No.1201501

Planning Update January 2024
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Ditton Manor (Ditton Manor Grade II):
This is a major development within the registered park for the extension and alteration of the existing Grade II Manor House and associated buildings, including the North Gatehouse, East Gatehouse, South Gatehouse, Chapel and Granary, to a flexible hotel and wedding/conference venue; additional two storey hotel accommodation block; erection of a marquee for wedding/conference use; and demolition and erection of a new one storey community building. We first raised significant objections early in the year and requested revisions but, although the design has been revisited, we recently sent in our continuing objections on the grounds of the significant the harm to the surviving features of the parkland and the setting of the Manor House.
photo: Courtesy Maidenhead Advertiser

Silwood Manor, Silwood Park, London Road, Ascot:
This is a proposal for a major redevelopment including the demolition of existing outbuildings, the construction of new buildings and alterations to the garden at the Grade II manor, the rural campus of Imperial College London. As above, we asked for revisions to be made in order to respect the unregistered parkland at Silwood Manor, but despite some changes these proposals failed to demonstrate how they preserve or enhance the character, appearance of Land at Silwood Park. Insufficient sensitivity had been demonstrated towards the landscape, its biodiversity, historic and visual value and curtilages of the listed buildings on the site.
West of Hall Place reservoir (Grade II):
This is a proposal for a 30m lattice sharable mast, 6 no. of antennas, 2 no. dishes, and 7 no. cabinets. The works are proposed within the central part of the historic parkland and will replace an existing 24m high mast. Although set within trees we are concerned it may become more visible detracting from the parkland views.
Hall Place in the late 19th Century: location of mast